Passionate about Reiki Tummo & Open-Heart. Here is how.
Meditation and Self-healing are key to live a more fulfilling life, cope with stress and if you are interested in the “bigger picture” aspect, growing Spiritually and contributing.
While living in the South California, I got in touch with different practices and tried a few.
Along with the Psychic/Energy readings, I really connected with a “heart-based” meditation practice and studied Reiki Tummo.
Reiki Tummo healings is harnessing a Divine or Universal energy. As a certified Reiki Master, I enjoy providing this service to others in needs.
Reiki Tummo™
Reiki consists of two Japanese words: Rei and Ki, it's a technique of channeling universal vital energy to oneself and others.
Reiki is not something magical. The basic principle on how Reiki energy heals is very similar to how healing works in acupuncture. We know that every living being has energy within and around the body to be alive. This energy is called Chi (vital energy) or Ki and it is vital for the physical body to exist. The physical body usually has problems because the energy does not flow properly. By stimulating the energy to flow properly, the natural ability of the body to heal itself functions again, and the body will recover. Reiki healing stimulates the energy to flow properly and cleanse the energy within and around the body to speed up the healing process.
After a healing, the energy is cleaner, stronger and smooth. The aura is intact again.
Reiki TUMMO™ is an energy channeling technique that deals with both Reiki and Tummo (tibetan for Kundalini energy, or inner fire). Kundalini is a coiled form of energy that usually lies dormant at the lower part of the body of every human. It is crucial for cleansing and for advanced spiritual growth. However, it has to be awakened first which may be difficult to accomplish. Reiki is effective for healing and improving your health, Kundalini is indispensable for cleansing your energy body. This is the most powerful combination of energies that can help you to improve your health and your spirituality, giving you a chance to grow spiritually very rapidly.
Traditionally, Reiki from the teaching of Master Usui from Japan in the early 1900’s, was intended to attain enlightenment, not as a healing modality.
Through the use of the Kundalini, Reiki TUMMO™ brings Reiki back to its intended purpose and the method enhances the results on your chakras and energy bodies. Other goals such as advancement of one's spiritual growth, becoming more loving, open and connected to God, The True Source, The Universe, Creator, by whatever name.
Reiki TUMMO™ is channeled by the practicionner, but the healing is done by The Source, the healee receives the benefits and blessings such as feeling healthier, more peaceful, calmness, joy and happiness in your daily life and your spiritual growth, by connecting through the heart
An important step for spiritual growth is cleansing your energy body which vibration gets higher, thus advancing your spiritual consciousness.
Working with Reiki TUMMO™, these two very powerful energies will work in synergy giving you the simultaneous and thorough cleansing all your main chakras.
Source: www.padmacahaya.org/reiki-tummo/reiki-and-reiki-tummo
Open-heart Meditation
There are many types of meditation techniques and practices ranging from active ones where the practitioner attempts to control their breath, to focusing the mind, to chanting to visualization. There are also other kinds of meditation that are more passive where the meditator just relaxes and tries to calm or still their mind from thinking. All of these meditation techniques are focused at using the brain to ease brain activity, which can be challenging to master for those with an active mind.
Unlike traditional meditation, Open Heart Meditation™ is a remarkably simple, yet effective, heart-based practice that is centered on “feeling” rather than on brain-oriented visualizations or breathing techniques, making this practice purely experiential.
Open Heart Meditation™ has helped many people reduce their stress level a lot and heal on a deep internal level, enabling them to cope better emotionally and allowing the natural healing process to happen much faster. In addition, this practice is universal and nondenominational and it encourages respect for all religious beliefs.
This is not a serious practice that involves hard work, creative visualizations or any sort of effort whatsoever. If it is being done properly it should feel light, gentle, peaceful, effortless…and fun!
source: http://www.padmacahaya.org/open-heart-meditation/what-is-open-heart-meditation