Passionate about Intuition,
here is how.
We all have that special gut-feeling, that intuition driving us. Sometimes we forget that it’s there to guide us. It’s a matter of remembering how to access it and how to harness and remember it’s there to guide us through life challenges and opportunities.

Intuitive Readings & Energy Healings
I discovered Intuitive Readings in San Diego in 2005, at a psychic school, from the Berkley Psychic Insitute principles. I took class shortly after, which I repeated at the True Insight school in El Segundo, after I moved up to the Los Angeles area. I was welcomed in the readers family and would attend regular “reader line”s for the students and the public coming for Energy healings and readings.
The idea here is that by getting communication, the readee can reclaim it’s own energetic space, get more neutral from other energies influencing her. Both the reader and readee get a healing through the reading process, as they often work on similar situations (matching pictures). The reading or healing can help clear blockages in the aura and chakras, move unresolved karmic relationships and help get more clarity to move forward.
This is not about fortune-telling or seeing the future, I can only see what you “show” me, while in a meditative space. You receive communication/awareness on an area or question you intend to get answers on. This process can be done in-person or remotely, sometimes even not simultaneously.

Grounding Meditation
Grounding Meditation is the perfect way to start your day or implement throughout when you feel off balance. This helps finding your center and handle the challenge and pressures from your environment, colleagues, clients, loved ones..
We connect to the earth, and run our energy slowly and smoothly and clean our chakras and our energetic body at the same time!